Stakeholder equitable satisfaction naturally emerges from the integrated behaviour of an organisation. Optimal behaviour is the seeking and taking of best possible stakeholder centric opportunities where the subordinate upsides and downsides are optimally and fairly balanced. Organisation integrated behaviour results from integrated management thinking on the level of human consciousness, which in turn results in integrated decision making and integrated management systems.
Although in the early 20th century many organisations were operating partial and fully integrated management systems, it was still a dark time for management support services which endured because of self-serving commercial behaviours and entrenched reductionist silo thinking. The understanding and application of quality, risk and other management perspectives tended be non-integrated operating on parallel lines. Each management discipline sought supremacy by attempting to subsume the other’s approaches.
This negatively impacted all levels of global governance and management, impeding holistically tackling the unprecedented social, economic, and ecological challenges prevalent at this time. It was characterised by unstable short life multiple silo management system standards, silo certification, silo education, silo training, and silo professional bodies. It was a world of numerous fragmented systems when only one was needed delivering better, quicker, and cheaper management. Collectively, it obstructed organisations from endeavouring to continually improve balanced equitable stakeholder satisfaction and corporately responsibility.
However, following the growing dissatisfaction of commercial organisations and rise in consciousness and awareness of the benefits of integrated management the greater good ultimately triumphed. A holistic boundless integrated vision of management replaced the obsolete fractured thinking, just as flat earth thinking had done earlier in the tortuous history of humankind.
IMC Global Vision
A world of management encompassing:
Fully coherent organisations delivering goods and/or services holistically optimally using resources to equitably satisfy stakeholder needs, expectations and aspirations.
Organisations operating single fully integrated management systems without boundaries.
Adoption of universal boundless management system standards.
Business centric integrated management systems certification.
Holistic joined-up thinking underpinning all education and training.
IMC Vision of Future Organisations
(A) Organisations endeavour to be strategically, tactically, and operationally:
Excellent in delivering their purpose through optimal structures and processes that are agile and resilient.
Commercially responsible (internal and external contracts and relationships).
Socially responsible (nurtures and does not harm current and future societal needs, expectations, and aspirations).
(B) Personnel (including management professionals, consultants, and suppliers) are competent in managing holistically across the organisation’s internal and external environments, appropriate to their role and, as appropriate, are:
Stakeholder aware and able to equitably balance stakeholder needs, expectations and aspirations while making the best use of resources.
Able to define problems, prospects, and risks holistically and apply prospect and risk assessment respectively to value creation and value retention to best achieve objectives while considering uncertainty.
(C) Management Systems are highly functional, elegant fully integrated directing and guiding the totality of the organisations structures and processes including the interaction with its internal and external stakeholders.
(D) Boundless holistic integrated thinking is promoted throughout the totality of the organisation.
(E) Management bodies, including standards, certification, professional, education, training etc are fully stakeholder focused on delivering the needs, expectations and aspirations of organisations and society.
IMC Vision of the Future Management Professional
The management professional of the future will have evolved further by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before. They will emerge from a fully structured career plan and careful selection (rather than the happenstance of the past), which is sharply focused on the evolving needs and aspirations of organisations committed to applying joined-up thinking in fulfilling their purpose and objectives. They will be experts in making the best use of resources to satisfy, equitably and ethically, the needs and aspirations of stakeholders. Their thinking will employ unified management concepts and it will not be constrained by any predefined boundary.
Management professionals of the future will:
Be just as likely to be women as men,
Be highly ethical and trustworthy and act as the conscience of the organisation,
Understand and address the total functionality of an organisation without favour, including all aspects of performance of interest to customers and other stakeholders (typically product/service quality, commercial, financial, health, safety, environmental, security, ethical and social),
Be fully stakeholder focused rather than the historical narrower customer focus,
Have a deep understanding of how value is effectively and efficiently created and delivered through the intelligent and creative integration of people, commerce, data, energy, matter, and supplier structures and processes,
Have a good understanding of the psychology of human motivation and the protection and nurturing of consciousness to facilitate creativity, fulfilment, and wellbeing,
Have a deep understanding of the anatomy of a fully integrated management system and all that is required to ensure it effectively and efficiently achieves the organisation’s purpose and objectives,
Be as comfortable with quality as with risk concepts and methodologies,
Have an in-depth knowledge of management tools and techniques and be able to select the most appropriate for the situation,
Be able to lead management system audits, investigations, or analysis, on any aspect of the organisation, irrespective of what it relates to,
Be natural and passionate problem-solvers, working individually or within a group, and able to take the lead, and motivate and coordinate others,
Be able to view and understand any element of an organisation with respect to the whole,
Be competent to act as an internal or external consultant,
Be visionaries and constant seekers of improvement,
Be able to interact effectively and efficiently with all personnel at any level of the organisation and with any sized external organisation or individual,
Have the capability to manage and coordinate management professional specialists,
Be empathetic and excellent communicators, enabling them to advise, persuade, negotiate, train, mentor, and coach,
Be selected according to essential personal skills and given a structured education and training suitable for an industry sector or sectors.