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What is your question relating to the Integrated Management Community (IMC)?
What is the Integrated Management Community IMC?
The IMC is composed of volunteer management professionals dedicated to the promotion of the theory and practice of Integrated Management. ​The group is open to anyone wishing to develop their knowledge and expertise in integrated management and who can contribute to the objectives of the group.
See also: Integrated Management Community?
What is the origin of the Integrated Management Community IMC?
The Integrated Management Community originated within the Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA) as a special interest group around 1995 to advise on simultaneously complying with the new standard ISO 14001 for environmental management systems and the existing ISO 9001 for quality management systems. Early in the new millennium, it broadened its perspective to address the management of the totality of an organisation’s functionality to optimise stakeholder satisfaction while making the best use of resources. This involved focusing on the theory and the application of integrated management in its widest sense including integrated management systems which have now become mainstream thinking.
See also: Integrated Management Community Story
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